2 BOB - 20c. Origins from British money . (Sent by Sarah Maseko)
411 - Giving someone the latest news and gossip.
5 BOB - 50c. Origins from British money. (Sent by Sarah Maseko)
6 no 9 – (Origin: When you flip over a 6 it looks like a 9 and vice versa) It means same difference. Like potato, potatoe.
6,9 - One says these numbers when you need to use the toilet. (Sent in by Virginia)
18 – Refers to your true girlfriend, Slang used mostly in Mahwelereng Township, Mokopane in Limpopo. (Sent by Phala Medupi)
9,9 - Straight talk e.g I am telling you 9,9 means telling you straight (sent by Naledi Modise.)